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Aptos Keyless Integration Guide

Aptos Keyless Integration Guide

Aptos Keyless allows your users to set up an Aptos blockchain account from their existing Google accounts, rather than from a traditional secret key or mnemonic. In a nutshell, with Aptos Keyless, a user’s blockchain account is their Google account. In the future, Aptos Keyless will support many OpenID Connect (OIDC) providers, not just Google.

Importantly, Aptos Keyless maintains user privacy in two ways:

  1. A user’s email address is not revealed on-chain to anybody, including other users and validators.
  2. A user’s blockchain address and associated transaction history is hidden from the identity provider (e.g. Google).

Keyless accounts are revolutionary to users for the following reasons:

  1. “1-click” account creation via familiar Web2 logins like Sign In with Google.
  2. Ability to transact on the Aptos blockchain without needing to navigate away from the application experience to download a wallet.
  3. Requires no secret key management by the user. This means blockchain account access is synonymous with access to one’s OIDC account and Web2-like recovery flows are available to regain access to one’s blockchain account in case the user ever loses access to their OIDC account.
  4. Seamless cross-device experiences; users log in with their OIDC account no matter what device they are on - no need to download wallet software on each device, import their keys and encrypt them with a password, which must be maintained.

Keyless Account Scoping

Use of the Aptos Keyless Integration Guide will allow for the integration of keyless accounts directly into your application. This means that blockchain accounts are scoped to your application’s domain (logging in with your Google account on dApp A and logging in with your Google account on dApp B will create separate accounts). Stay tuned for more to come on Aptos’ plan to allow Keyless accounts to be used portably across applications.

To provide feedback, get support, or be a design partner as we enhance Aptos Keyless, join us here:


  • OpenID Connect (OIDC): is the identity authentication protocol used to enable federated identity verification. This protocol is what is used when a user goes through the “Sign in with Google” flow for example.
  • Identity Provider (IdP): is the trusted authority who authenticates your identity via OIDC. Supported example includes: Google.
  • JSON Web Token (JWT): is an open standard used to share security information between two parties — a client and a server. Each JWT contains encoded JSON objects, including a set of claims. JWTs are signed using a cryptographic algorithm to ensure that the claims cannot be altered after the token is issued.
  • iss, an identifier for the OIDC provider ( e.g.,
  • aud, the OAuth client_id of the application that the user is signing in to (e.g.,
  • sub, an identifier that the OIDC provider uses to identify the user
  • This could be an identifier specific to this client_id
  • Or, it could be an identifier shared across different client_id’s (e.g., Facebook’s OIDC does this)
  • email, some providers might also expose the user’s email as one of the fields (e.g., Google)
  • in addition, an email_verified field will be exposed to indicate if the provider has verified that the user owns this email address
  • nonce, arbitrary data that the application wants the OIDC provider to sign over
  • iat, the time the JWT was issued at.
  • Ephemeral Key Pair: a temporary public/private key pair that is used to sign transactions for an Aptos Keyless account. The public key and its expiration date are committed in the JWT token via the nonce field.
  • Keyless Account: a blockchain account that is directly-derived from (1) a user’s OIDC account (e.g., and (2) an associated application’s OAuth client_id (e.g., Users authenticate through the OIDC flow.
  • JSON Web Key (JWK): is the cryptographic public key of the OIDC provider. This public key is used to verify the signature on the JWTs that the OIDC provider issues to the client application. This way, the client application can verify the authenticity of the tokens and ensure that they have not been tampered with.
  • client_id: the OAuth identifier for your application that you will receive from the IdP after registering your application with them. This will be used in our keyless architecture in the address derivation for your users.
  • redirect_uri: the URI of the callback handler once the user successfully authenticates. Needs to be registered with your IdP.

Keyless Account Integration Steps

Only devnet is supported

Currently, Aptos Keyless is only supported in devnet. Testnet and Mainnet support to come in the following weeks.

At a high level, there are three steps to follow in order to integrate Keyless Accounts.

  1. Configure your OpenID integration with your IdP. In this step, the dApp will register with the IdP of choice (e.g. Google) and receive a client_id
  2. Install the Aptos TypeScript SDK.
  3. Integrate Keyless Account support in your application client
  4. Set up the "Sign In with [Idp]" flow for your user.
  5. Instantiate the user’s KeylessAccount
  6. Sign and submit transactions via the KeylessAccount.

Step 1. Configure your OpenID integration with your IdP

Supported Identity Providers

Currently only Google is supported. We will support additional OIDC providers in the future (e.g., Apple, Kakaotalk, Microsoft, etc.).

Identity ProviderAuth URL

The implicit flow (no authorization code exchange) is the preferred method of authentication. The integration steps assume use of implicit flow.


To support OpenID authentication you will need the client_id from your provider and setup authorized origins and redirect URIs.

  1. Setup your project in the Google API Console
  2. Register for a Google Cloud account if you don’t have one
  3. Create a new project if it doesn’t exist
  4. Go to Credentials
  5. Select or create your OAuth 2.0 Client ID
  6. Configure authorized origin (your dApp origin)
  7. Configure redirect URIs (the handler for the callback after authentication which will receive the authorization code and/or id_token)
  8. Obtain the client_id of your application

Step 2. Install the Aptos TypeScript SDK

# Experimental SDK version with Keyless support.
pnpm install @aptos-labs/ts-sdk@zeta

SDK is experimental

The API and SDK is still experimental and being actively developed under the ’ @zeta’ tag. If your integration stops working please try upgrading the package to the latest ‘@zeta’ version of the SDK. This version may lack features of the non-experimental SDK.

Step 3. Client Integration Steps

Below are the default steps for a client to integrate Keyless Accounts

1. Present the user with a “Sign In with [IdP]” button on the UI

  1. In the background, we create an ephemeral key pair. Store this in local storage.

    import {EphemeralKeyPair} from '@aptos-labs/ts-sdk';
    const ephemeralKeyPair = EphemeralKeyPair.generate();
  2. Save the EphemeralKeyPair in local storage, keyed by its nonce.

    // This saves the EphemeralKeyPair in local storage keyed, by its nonce.
Example implementation for storeEphemeralKeyPair

This implementation is an example of how to store the EphemeralKeyPair in local storage using the nonce as the key. Different implementations may be used according to your application’s needs.

* Stored ephemeral key pairs in localStorage (nonce -> ephemeralKeyPair)
export type StoredEphemeralKeyPairs = { [nonce: string]: EphemeralKeyPair };
* Retrieve all ephemeral key pairs from localStorage and decode them. The new
ephemeral key pair
* is then stored in localStorage with the nonce as the key.
export const storeEphemeralKeyPair = (
ephemeralKeyPair: EphemeralKeyPair
): void => {
// Retrieve the current ephemeral key pairs from localStorage
const accounts = getLocalEphemeralKeyPairs();
// Store the new ephemeral key pair in localStorage
accounts[ephemeralKeyPair.nonce] = ephemeralKeyPair;
* Retrieve all ephemeral key pairs from localStorage and decode them.
export const getLocalEphemeralKeyPairs = (): StoredEphemeralKeyPairs => {
const rawEphemeralKeyPairs = localStorage.getItem("ephemeral-key-pairs");
try {
  return rawEphemeralKeyPairs
    ? decodeEphemeralKeyPairs(rawEphemeralKeyPairs)
    : {};
} catch (error) {
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    "Failed to decode ephemeral key pairs from localStorage",
  return {};
* Encoding for the EphemeralKeyPair class to be stored in localStorage
const EphemeralKeyPairEncoding = {
decode: (e: any) => EphemeralKeyPair.fromBytes(,
encode: (e: EphemeralKeyPair) => ({
  __type: "EphemeralKeyPair",
  data: e.bcsToBytes(),
* Stringify the ephemeral key pairs to be stored in localStorage
export const encodeEphemeralKeyPairs = (
keyPairs: StoredEphemeralKeyPairs
): string =>
JSON.stringify(keyPairs, (_, e) => {
  if (typeof e === "bigint") return { __type: "bigint", value: e.toString() };
  if (e instanceof Uint8Array)
    return { __type: "Uint8Array", value: Array.from(e) };
  if (e instanceof EphemeralKeyPair)
    return EphemeralKeyPairEncoding.encode(e);
  return e;
* Parse the ephemeral key pairs from a string
export const decodeEphemeralKeyPairs = (
encodedEphemeralKeyPairs: string
): StoredEphemeralKeyPairs =>
JSON.parse(encodedEphemeralKeyPairs, (_, e) => {
  if (e && e.__type === "bigint") return BigInt(e.value);
  if (e && e.__type === "Uint8Array") return new Uint8Array(e.value);
  if (e && e.__type === "EphemeralKeyPair")
    return EphemeralKeyPairEncoding.decode(e);
  return e;
  1. Prepare the URL params of the login URL. Set the redirect_uri and client_id to your configured values with the IdP. Set the nonce to the nonce of the EphemeralKeyPair from step 1.1.

    const redirectUri = 'https://.../login/callback'
    const clientId = env.IDP_CLIENT_ID
    // Get the nonce associated with ephemeralKeyPair
    const nonce = ephemeralKeyPair.nonce
  2. Construct the login URL for the user to authenticate with the IdP. Make sure the openid scope is set. Other scopes such as email and profile can be set based on your app’s needs.

    const loginUrl = `${nonce}&redirect_uri=${redirectUri}&client_id=${clientId}`
  3. When the user clicks the login button, redirect the user to the loginUrl that was created in step 1.4.

2. Handle the callback by parsing the token and create a Keyless account for the user

  1. Once the user completes the login flow, they will be redirected to the redirect_uri set in step 1. The JWT will be set in the URL as a search parameter in a URL fragment, keyed by id_token. Extract the JWT from the window by doing the following:

    const parseJWTFromURL = (url: string): string | null => {
      const urlObject = new URL(url);
      const fragment = urlObject.hash.substring(1);
      const params = new URLSearchParams(fragment);
      return params.get('id_token');
    // window.location.href = https://.../login/google/callback#id_token=...
    const jwt = parseJWTFromURL(window.location.href)
  2. Decode the JWT and get the extract the nonce value from the payload.

    import { jwtDecode } from 'jwt-decode';
    const payload = jwtDecode<{ nonce: string }>(jwt);
    const jwtNonce = payload.nonce
  3. Fetch the EphemeralKeyPair stored in step 1.2 with the decoded nonce.

    const ephemeralKeyPair = getLocalEphemeralKeyPair(jwtNonce);
Example implementation for getLocalEphemeralKeyPair

This implementation is an example of how to retrieve the EphemeralKeyPair from local storage using the nonce as the key. Different implementations may be used according to your application’s needs. It is important that you validate the expiry timestamp of the ephemeral key pair to ensure that it is still valid.

* Stored ephemeral key pairs in localStorage (nonce -> ephemeral key pair)
export type StoredEphemeralKeyPairs = { [nonce: string]: EphemeralKeyPair };
* Retrieve the ephemeral key pair with the given nonce from localStorage.
export const getLocalEphemeralKeyPair = (
nonce: string
): EphemeralKeyPair | null => {
const keyPairs = getLocalEphemeralKeyPairs();
// Get the account with the given nonce (the generated nonce of the ephemeral key pair may not match
// the nonce in localStorage), so we need to validate it before returning it (implementation specific).
const ephemeralKeyPair = keyPairs[nonce];
if (!ephemeralKeyPair) return null;
// If the account is valid, return it, otherwise remove it from the device and return null
return validateEphemeralKeyPair(nonce, ephemeralKeyPair);
* Retrieve all ephemeral key pairs from localStorage and decode them.
export const getLocalEphemeralKeyPairs = (): StoredEphemeralKeyPairs => {
const rawEphemeralKeyPairs = localStorage.getItem("ephemeral-key-pairs");
try {
  return rawEphemeralKeyPairs
    ? decodeEphemeralKeyPairs(rawEphemeralKeyPairs)
    : {};
} catch (error) {
    "Failed to decode ephemeral key pairs from localStorage",
  return {};
* Validate the ephemeral key pair with the given nonce and the expiry
timestamp. If the nonce does not match
* the generated nonce of the ephemeral key pair, the ephemeral key pair is
removed from localStorage. This is
* to validate that the nonce algorithm is the same (e.g. if the nonce
algorithm changes).
export const validateEphemeralKeyPair = (
nonce: string,
ephemeralKeyPair: EphemeralKeyPair
): EphemeralKeyPair | null => {
// Check the nonce and the expiry timestamp of the account to see if it is valid
if (
  nonce === ephemeralKeyPair.nonce &&
  ephemeralKeyPair.expiryDateSecs > BigInt(Math.floor( / 1000))
) {
  return ephemeralKeyPair;
return null;
* Remove the ephemeral key pair with the given nonce from localStorage.
export const removeEphemeralKeyPair = (nonce: string): void => {
const keyPairs = getLocalEphemeralKeyPairs();
delete keyPairs[nonce];
  1. Instantiate the user’s KeylessAccount

    import {Aptos, AptosConfig, Network} from '@aptos-labs/ts-sdk';
    const aptos = new Aptos(new AptosConfig({network: Network.DEVNET}));  // Only devnet supported as of now.
    const keylessAccount = await aptos.deriveKeylessAccount({

3. Submit transactions to the Aptos blockchain

  1. Create the transaction you want to submit. Below is a simple coin transfer transaction for example:

    import {Account} from '@aptos-labs/ts-sdk';
    const bob = Account.generate();
    const transaction = await aptos.transferCoinTransaction({
        sender: keylessAccount.accountAddress,
        recipient: bob.accountAddress,
        amount: 100,
  2. Sign and submit the transaction to the chain.

    const committedTxn = await aptos.signAndSubmitTransaction({ signer: keylessAccount, transaction });
  3. Wait for the transaction to be processed on-chain

    const committedTransactionResponse = await aptos.waitForTransaction({ transactionHash: committedTxn.hash });

For more details on the design of keyless accounts see AIP-61