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Build the Future of Web3 on Aptos

Everything you need to build the best-in-class Web3 developer experience.

Craft safe and high-performance smart contracts with Move

Get started with these Move examples

module 0xCAFE::BasicCoin {
  // Only included in compilation for testing. Similar to #[cfg(testing)]
  // in Rust. Imports the `Signer` module from the MoveStdlib package.
  use std::signer;

  struct Coin has key {
      value: u64,

  public fun mint(account: signer, value: u64) {
      move_to(&account, Coin { value })

  // Declare a unit test. It takes a signer called `account` with an
  // address value of `0xC0FFEE`.
  #[test(account = @0xC0FFEE)]
  fun test_mint_10(account: signer) acquires Coin {
      let addr = signer::address_of(&account);
      mint(account, 10);
      // Make sure there is a `Coin` resource under `addr` with a value of `10`.
      // We can access this resource and its value since we are in the
      // same module that defined the `Coin` resource.
      assert!(borrow_global<Coin>(addr).value == 10, 0);


Simple, type-safe, and fungible assets


Composable containers for resources

Fungible Assets

Highly expressive, fungible, digital assets

Aptos tooling makes web3 development easier than ever

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Hear From The Ecosystem

Building on Aptos has been transformative, offering unmatched transaction speed and reliability. We love the vibrant community and overall direction that the Aptos ecosystem is heading.

–Muhd Dahlan, CEO Zabava Labs

Aptin Finance drives secure, intuitive, and seamless financial interactions for Aptos users. Aligned with Aptos' vision, we aim to establish a nexus of Omni-chain DeFi opportunities for a diverse global community.'

Aptin Labs logo
–Elvis Woo, CTO & Co-Founder, Aptin Finance

Cellana Finance chose to build on Aptos because of its rapid transaction speed, cost-effectiveness, and robust security. Moreover, Aptos’s instant finality (less than 1s) will be a significant strength in attracting a variety of financial applications from Web 2 in the future.

Cellana logo
–Andy Hoang, CEO, Cellana